The joys of potty training has begun.
As we've watched Emma over the last two months, she has been using her wagon from her birthday as a bathroom. Yes, her wagon. She will climb into her wagon, close the door, and then turn away from anyone looking. If you look at her she will say "No, look!" and shake a finger at you. So, this has been going on for quite awhile and happening more and more often. We decided that because she knows when she needs to go potty, that it was time to get her a real potty.
What is so cool is that Emma has really taken to it. She is such a smarty pants. Most of the time we have to ask her if she needs to use the potty (usually when we see the signs that she is going to go in her diaper). Then there are those times that she pulls on our pants or fingers and says "Potty!" We are excited, but know that it will take lots of time. But we are also so proud of Emma for trying.