I think that it has been the fastest and busiest 8 months of our lives. It's amazing how time seems to fly when there are kiddo's constantly reminding you that time is flying. So shall we recap?!
On July 31, 2008 at 7:01 am we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Emma Bailey Thompson. She was a grand total of 5 lbs 13 ounces, and 19 inches long. Little did we know how this child from heaven was going to change our lives.
As time went on we as parents became more sleep deprived and began to consider it normal. Seven hours of sleep is way over rated. :) On September 28, 2008 Emma received her name and a blessing. She looked so beautiful in her dress. Unfortunately on that same day her parents had to give talks in their ward. But all turned out well. The gathering of family to celebrate Emma's arrival and support us as a new three-some family was wonderful. It really has been our family and friends that have helped us to get through the good and the not so fun times of life.
Emma continued to grow, and the cycling through the different sized clothes rushed forward. Luckily, she still fit her pumpkin costume that was purchased a month earlier (thinking that she wouldn't grow as much as she did). She did well in bringing in a good haul for Justin to have. People would just give us candy bars upon candy bars as we went around. Maybe they as parents were trying to share with us a secret to dealing with parenthood.
Thanksgiving seemed to come a bit too quickly. And that's coming from people who love to eat turkey dinners. It was fun to see family. We got to spend lunch time with Emily's family, and dinner with Justin's family. It was so much fun. Getting two dinners (leftovers) and two desserts was a lot of fun. Then just as fast as November came it was over, but that meant December.
In December we had the wonderful opportunity to have family come, Danno get married, and celebrate the birth of Christ. For the first time we were able to meet Hannah. What a beautiful cousin, and hopefully fun playmate for Emma when we can all be together. Danno and Spencer were married on a cold yet perfect day. Then Christmas came. Emma's first Christmas was interesting. She hadn't figured out the fun of ripping paper until a month after Christmas was over. I would have to say though that Emma got spoiled.
January flew by and then it was February. Justin got an interview with the U of U and then was given the offer to do his graduate program there. We naturally accepted. Then the hunt began with where are we going to live. (Still searching!) Around this time Emma was introduced to fruits and veggies. Her favorites so far are sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, butternut squash, applesauce, pears, apples & blueberries, and country vegetables.
Now in the present day, Emma is crawling everywhere and walking while holding onto furniture. She a naturally happy baby. She really only stops smiling when she's hungry, really sleepy, or waiting for daddy to come home from work (only after it's dark). She is a great blessing to us. It's amazing to us to see how fast Emma is learning and growing. If you ask her where your nose or mouth is she will show you. She can also now clearly say Da Da and Mom. We can't wait as a family for spring time. Emma loves the outdoors and animals. That's basically our last 8 months in a nutshell. We love you all!